Spay & Neuter Surgery

Did you know that having your pet spayed or neutered isn't just about population control? There are actually a number of health and behavioral benefits associated with these procedures.

Reasons to get your pet spayed or neutered

  • Increases the lifespan of your pet
  • Greatly reduces or eliminates risk of certain diseases, such as uterine, ovarian, and testicular cancer
  • Decreases aggression and other unwanted behaviors
  • Stops females from going into heat
  • Prevents unwanted litters

About the procedure

We perform all spay and neuter surgeries under general anesthesia. Prior to beginning the surgery, your pet will be screened to make sure they are a good candidate for anesthesia. Throughout the entire procedure, they will be closely monitored by our highly trained doctors and veterinarians .

During the procedure, the ovaries and uterus (spay) or testicles (neuter) are removed from the pet to prevent future reproduction.

The appropriate age to have your pet spayed or neutered depends on a few factors, including age, breed, and species. Give us a call today to find out when your pet is ready to take this step!