
Imagine what would happen to you if you went years without brushing your teeth or visiting a dentist. For most people, this routine would result in deterioration of the gums, pain from untreated issues, and certainly some very bad breath! Just like humans, when it comes to a healthy and happy pet, proper dental hygiene is something that shouldn't be overlooked. Here's a few things you should know.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is disease around the outside of the tooth. If we do not regularly disinfect our mouths and brush away plaque, the plaque will mineralize into tartar (the gritty material that your dental hygienist scrapes away). Over time, tartar will accumulate and destroy the tooth's attachment, causing the tooth to become loose and painful. When the bone becomes infected, bone loss occurs. In severe cases, the jaw bone can potentially break or even disintegrate (a serious problem in very small dogs). Gingivitis is reversible. Bone loss, once it starts, is not reversible.

An alarming 85% of pets have periodontal disease by the time they are 3 years old.

What to do about Periodontal Disease

Fortunately, there is a lot we can do to prevent periodontal disease, and the rules are basically the same whether the teeth belong to a pet or to a human:

Professional cleaning

In general, you should plan for your pet to have a professional teeth cleaning annually. At Twin Peaks, all cleanings are done under general anesthesia so that each tooth will receive proper care and attention.

A dental cleaning will include the following:

  • Tartar removal using specialized dental instruments
  • Probing and measurement of periodontal sockets to assess periodontal disease
  • Polishing of the enamel
  • Disinfection of the mouth with possible fluoride sealer or plaque repellent treatment

At-Home Care

Home care is ideally a daily part of tooth maintenance, but even brushing just twice a week can remove most plaque before it can mineralize into tartar. Not every pet is amenable to hands-on oral care, so there are some lower maintenance options which can be explored as well.

At-home options include:

  • Brushing using pet-approved toothpaste
  • Dental wipes, rinses, and pads
  • Dental treats

Whether you're starting at prevention or dealing with a serious dental problem, our veterinarians would love to answer any of your questions and help you determine the best plan for you and your pet.